Leaving Childcare Behind


Luke 6 says that our words flow from what is in our hearts. How we speak about things reveals what we believe about those things. This is why churches and all businesses spend so much time crafting language for their mission statement, core values, and vision.  Those who lead organizations want the words of those statements to clearly and effectively convey what they are about, what is important to them, and what they believe is the best way to practice those things.  Language creates a culture. It sets the tone for how things operate, how they are valued, and how they are perceived. Therefore, the words we use must be meaningfully and purposefully chosen. I have been so encouraged during my time at TCGS by the mindfulness of the words used by our leadership to speak about the ministry and life of our church. 

There is specific language we as a staff have trained our tongues to use when speaking of our Kids Ministry. Sometimes, language can unintentionally be adopted that doesn’t accurately convey the heart that those words are flowing from; therefore, we have pushed back against the tendency to refer to Kids Ministry as “childcare” and have refrained from saying things like “Who is watching the kids on Sunday?” We have been vigilant to speak of it as Kids Ministry. 

What’s so wrong with calling it childcare or watching kids?  Well, if our words create a culture, what do we want the culture of our Kids Ministry to be? Do we believe the time children spend in our classrooms during our gatherings on Sundays is merely time to get them off of their parents’ hands? No; what happens in our classrooms on Sundays is more than just childcare. What our volunteers are doing in those classrooms goes beyond merely watching children. Discipleship is happening. Teaching is happening. Eternal seeds are being planted. We do not want the culture of our children’s ministry to lack purpose. We want to affirm with our words what we believe in our hearts: our time with children is a ministry. 

The mission of our Kids Ministry is to present the kids of TCGS mature in Christ (Colossians 1:28). This does not happen by accident. We aim to be thoughtful and purposeful with the precious time we have with the children in our classrooms. We seek to support parents in introducing their kids to Jesus through teaching, songs, and catechesis and discipling those who have come to faith. Much fruit comes from aligning our words with Jesus’ heart for children and how He desires children to enter His Kingdom. The fruit of this approach to Kids Ministry has been evident in our volunteers, parents, and children. 

Our Kids Ministry volunteers realize they are not just watching children; they are teaching children. Our volunteers are imparting biblical truths through stories and songs that have the power to change the kids’ hearts and shape their eternity.  They are committed to the role they play in presenting the kids of TCGS mature in Christ as aunts and uncles of the faith. Please pray that our volunteers will remain passionate about sharing the gospel with the kids of TCGS and will continue to grow in faith as disciples and examples to the kids. 

Our parents take the role of being the primary disciple-makers of their home seriously and it is such an encouragement. They recognize that their family is their first mission field and have answered the call to diligently teach their children about Jesus in their house, when they walk by the way, when they lie down, and when they rise (Deuteronomy 6:7). As a Kids Ministry, we also are committed to equipping and supporting parents in discipling their kids. When parents and the local church view their relationship as a partnership, a rich learning environment is made for kids where they are surrounded by those who love Jesus and want them to love Jesus, too. Please pray that our parents will continue to see themselves as the ones primarily responsible for discipling their kids and will make gospel living a natural part of their family rhythms.

Lastly, there is a significant difference in the fruit that comes from the hearts of kids in a Kids Ministry rather than childcare. We want to give them access to Jesus: the One who says, “let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”  Watching the kids of TCGS grow and move through our kids’ classes and seeing the simultaneous growth that is happening in their hearts as they grow in their knowledge and love for Jesus fills my heart with joy. We refuse to merely babysit and lose precious opportunities to introduce them to Jesus.  Pray that our children will come to know Jesus and will grow to love God’s church and desire biblical community. 

Let it be clear: at TCGS, we have a Kids Ministry. We have a Kids Ministry that is dedicated to presenting the kids of TCGS mature in Christ and we do not take that opportunity for granted. We are passionate about caring for our children primarily through caring for their souls.  

Hannah KoschelKids Ministry Director, Cookie Monster, [other noun that helps me sound interesting]

Hannah Koschel

Kids Ministry Director, Cookie Monster, [other noun that helps me sound interesting]